Financial-Industrial Group ROSMASH

Our Business at Glance

Selling aluminum alloys
Buying aluminum scrap
Strategy of Our Company
Casting Line

Aluminum Processing In Russia

Founded in 1991, Joint Stock Company Financial-Industrial Group ROSMASH is leading aluminum dross processor in Russia, processing over 600 metric tonnes per month at modern facilities of famous Russian and Ukrainian factories and plants. ROSMASH core business is that of a rotary furnace tolling facility. Going beyond its core business, ROSMASH also has the capability to purchase and trade aluminum dross, scrap and turning.

Aluminum is one of the world's most recyclable materials, and we have a growing participation in the recycling industry. The Company's annual recycling capacity is now 7,200 metric tons, or tonnes, with a further 40,000 tonnes. ROSMASH smelt the foundry alloys primarily from recycled aluminum.

Our staff of professional metal people provides continuity in our bussines relationships. Its enviable growth is directly attributable to its firm commitment to service, quality and value.

Quality and value go hand-in-hand. That's why ROSMASH puts such emphasis on improving processing quality to give you more value. Value that stretches beyond a competative price.

Since it began, ROSMASH has made customer satisfaction its goal. A goal that is a one-on-one commitment to each custommer, and it all starts with the benefits of doing business with ROSMASH.

ROSMASH plays leading roles in joint industry programs to promote aluminum collection and recycling in Russia.

Aluminum Alloys ] Our Strategy ] Buying scrap ]

Financial-Industrial Group ROSMASH, Moscow, Russian Federation.
Fax:7-095-917-00-61. Phone:7-095-916-09-23, 7-095-916-95-58. E-mail:  

Original site design by Dmitry Ivanov, October 1998, Moscow, Joint Stock Company Financial-Industrial Group Rosmash.

Copyright © 1998 JSC Rosmash. All rights reserved.

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